KROL: A Knowledge Representation Object Language on Top of Prolog Expert Systems with Applications
Abstract: This paper presents a Knowledge Representation Object Language (KROL) on top of Prolog. KROL aimed at providing the ability to develop second-generation expert systems. The main aspects of KROL include multi-paradigm knowledge representation (first-order predicate logic, objects, rules), inference mechanisms at different levels of granularity, explanation facility, object-oriented database management module, and user-friendly interface. KROL has sufficient expressive power to be used in applying demanding knowledge-based modeling methodologies, such as KADS and Generic Task, which are the major landmarks of the second-generation expert systems technology. Four successful agricultural expert systems were developed in the last six years using KROL. To demonstrate the language capabilities, we present an example of disorder diagnosis.
Publication year |
Organization Name |
serial title |
An International Journal Vol 15 pp 33-46 Elsevier Science Ltd
Department |
Knowledge Engineering and Expert System Building Tools
Author(s) from ARC |
Agris Categories |
Documentation and information
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