A Natural Language Processing Approach for Knowledge Acquisition

Abstract: This paper presents an approach to acquire knowledge using natural language processing. The approach is based on knowledge acquisition technique, which performs the knowledge acquisition from knowledge forms as HTML format in the target domain. This technique is based on natural language understanding technique. The disorder diagnosis of fababean plant is selected as a target domain for the developed approach. The approach has succeeded completely in understanding the text in the forms. The approach also is tested to reason the acquired knowledge base. According to the test results, the domain expert accepts or modified the acquired knowledge.
Publication year 2003
Organization Name
Country Egypt
City Cairo
serial title 4th Conference on Language Engineering (CLE).
Department Agricultural Expert System Development
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    Mohammed Zaky
    Mahmoud Maree
Agris Categories Documentation and information
Proposed Agrovoc Expert System;
Publication Type Conference/Workshop