Collaborative Knowledge Based System through Multi-Agent Technology

Abstract: This work presents a collaborative knowledge-agents system which moves away from the traditional way of designing knowledge based systems, through the distribution of functionality between groups of collaborative knowledge based systems. Knowledge based systems thus have access to a much larger body of knowledge than that possessed by any individual knowledge based system. In this work, knowledge based systems are divided into groups; each group is represented by a set of agents that are specialized in some expert area or domain (examples: physics, chemistry, or art). These groups can cooperate for solving particular problems that fall under their domain areas. Therefore, this work presents an alternative approach of a collaborative knowledge-agents system to facilitate the interactions between different knowledge based systems without modifying or affecting the internal aspects of those systems, based on the web service in knowledge exchange and collaboration between agents, as a way to assist users within organization or groups in their knowledge finding. Therefore, our goal is to develop methodology for knowledge sharing between knowledge based systems. Hence, we introduce a design for a multi-agent system – called, Collaborative Expert Agents System – in which the cooperation between heterogeneous knowledge based systems can be achieved. Moreover, the system dynamically builds a model for each agent’s area of expertise, and consults only those agents, which will be useful for each area.
Publication year 2007
Pages 92-108
Availability location 6 شارع النور نادى الصيد الدقى ميشيل باخوم سابقا
Availability number
Organization Name
City Cairo
serial title Collaborative Knowledge Based System through Multi-Agent Technology
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    Reem Bahgat Cairo University,Egypt
Agris Categories Documentation and information
Publication Type Conference/Workshop